Friday, March 10, 2006

"Gay" or "Homosexual"? You decide.....

I haven't posted in this thing for years. Sheesh! I forgot about it!

I'm glad that I never deleted this. Looking back on the previous posts reminded me of why I became a gay-rights activist in the first place.

Good for me to have rediscovered my own sounding board for this issue, because after all of this time, I'm going to use it again.

You ever notice how the religious right keeps using the term "homosexual"? Seriously.

We as a community call ourselves many different things; gay, lesbian, dyke, fag, queer, woman-loving-woman, man-loving-man, etc....

Yet in every conversation you hear, they keep using the word "homosexual".


Is that all I am really am?


I am more than my genitalia, yet, that's all the so-called "religious" right can focus on. What I do with my genitalia, and, who's doing what to it. defines the term "homosexual" as such;

Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.

I am more than this. I am more than my "sexual orientation".

I am representative of those who want and deserve access to the civil right of marriage.

I am a part of the continuing gay-rights movement, a movement that now wants what everyone else has...the right to a civil marriage.

But, that's another post.

Why do those crazy religious right-wingers use the term "homosexual"?

To dehumanize us. To break us down, all the way down to one of our most basic parts; our genitals.

The term makes us look like sexy-crazed freaks. Like all we care about is sex and gender.

Yes, I do have what I feel is a built-in genetic trait that makes me attracted to the persons of the same gender, but, I also have two other things that the religious whackos never talk about.....

A mind that tells me when my attraction is just physical, or could be something more. It tells me to hug a woman before I kiss her, and to ask before I kiss. It tells me how to have a conversation with the woman in front of me before I become attracted to her. It tells me when a woman I meet won't be anything more than a date.

A heart that tells me that I grow to care about this woman as a whole, not just her genitals. A heart that tells me whether she is the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with or not. One that when we have sex, it's not just "having sex", but making love to her, mind, body and soul. A heart that hurts when my fellow man looks at me dead in the face and says that I don't deserve to have the same things and rights that they have.

These two things you will never hear an anti-gay bigot talk about in their hate speech.

These anti-gay bigots seem to be at the ready with quotes from the bible to throw at any gay person fighting for their rights.

But I have these questions to ask.......

If being gay is so bad, why isn't it a Commandment?

If being gay is so bad, why didn't Jesus Christ, the Son of God Himself, ever preach against it?

Reading the Book of Leviticus, there are two parts that I wish to point out, Parts III and IV.

Part III contains the Laws Regarding Legal Purity. This part contains verses pertaining to such things as women who are menstruating and touching the skin of dead animals. It says that women are "unclean" during and for seven days after their period. It says that anything that a menstruating woman touches or sits on is "unclean" until sundown. It also states that you must not touch the skin or eat of a dead animal, or, again, you will be "unclean" until said time., if you sleep next to your wife while she is on the rag or have sex with her, or if you are either a football, soccer or baseball player, yes, that's right, you've committed an act of impurity and you must all go and cleanse youselves... you filthy people.

Part IV, The Code of Legal Holiness, contains passages against the homosexual act itself, along with other "carnal" crimes, such as incest and adultery.

Here's the fun part!

Crimes, according to the Bible, you must die for by stoning!!!

Cursing your mother or your father
Committing adultery
Son sleeping with his stepmother
Father sleeping with his daughter-in-law
Man lies with a man as with a woman (notice that it doesn't say woman lies with a woman as with a man)
Man marries a woman and her mother (How do you think that polygamists should take that one?)
Man has carnal relations with an animal
Woman has carnal relations with an animal

So, let me get this right.....the religious right thinks it's okay to commit adultery and screw around with animals, but the second that someone says they're gay, they are evil, will burn in Hell and the evil "homosexual agenda" must be stopped!

I do not know of any religious organization that goes after adulterers and animal fuckers with such public zeal and pride.

My point is this; these are people who have chosen to not only make one of God's Laws more important than the others, but, have pushed and are still pushing to make their interpretation of that Law public policy and civil law. Their interpretation is that all acts of homosexuality, regardless if it is in the context of two people who love each other or not, is wrong, evil and against the Law of God, even though one can clearly see that all of these Laws were written in the context of carnal desires.

What does the Bible say about gays and lesbians in loving relationships who want to be committed to each other?


Who are these people who have decided to not only embrace the anti-gay bigoted mantra and elevate one Law above the rest?

Playing God.

I would rather stand in judgment before God as a lesbian than as one of these gay-bashing bigots. I don't play God; they do.


You see, the right's convenient interpretation of God's Law fits right into their grand plan for all of us queers. At least, so long as they keep calling us "homosexuals".

We live in such an uptight, repressive "free" society that mention of the word "sex" often brings about feelings of disgust and filth, images of something raw, rough, unloving and an act which contains no accountability either from or to the parties involved.

Because the Law clearly condemns the act of homosexuality, not of being in a loving gay relationship in which sex is just a part of, the right has to keep using the term "homosexual", referring to the carnal aspect, making us all look like sex fiends who cannot be in committed relationships and therefore should not have equal access to the civil institution of marriage. This is one big part of their success in ensuring that LGBTQQ folk are not equal US citizens.

The saddest part of all of this is that America is unable to see one simple fact about these people. These are people that are obsessed with my genitalia. These people want to be able to tell me what to do with my body and to make sure that I do as they say.

These are people who want to be the ultimate peeping toms, and are the ultimate perverts.


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