Saturday, August 28, 2004

Just another day in Paradise

So, the Republicans have lined up yet another anti-gay bigot for their show starting tomorrow, Bishop Keith Butler of Michigan. The party won't highlight the fact that he's staunchly anti-gay, but, courtesy of AMERICAblog, here's his deal;

This is outright recruitment of young people into this decadent lifestyle. Common sense tells us that if this lifestyle were to become the dominant choice of our culture, our culture would soon be extinct.We also find that the gay community's attempt to tie their pursuit of special rights based on their behavior to the civil rights movement of the 1960's -1970's abhorrent. Being black is not a lifestyle choice. You can physically see and determine our heritage. We are a race of people. Whereas, regarding the gay community, people do not know what they do in the bedroom unless they publicize it. The civil rights struggle was based on the depriving of human beings the most basic human rights simply because of the color of their skin. Our opposition to the gay lifestyle is based on a behavior choice that endangers family, children, and the core of society. The attempt to push into mainstream society this decadent lifestyle and to brand those who oppose it as haters is simply wrong.The Bible teaches us to love the person, but to hate the sin they may do. We love those who at this time are gay, but reject what they are doing and promoting. It's time to stand up and oppose this attempt to change our society and we will.

Wow, my lifestyle is decadent; I didn't know that, why didn't somebody tell me this?

Decadent (according to

1. Being in a state of decline or decay.
2. Marked by or providing unrestrained gratification; self-indulgent

Well, I don't think that gays rights movement is in a state of decline or decay, as a matter of fact, we're just getting started.

I'm not showing any unrestrained gratification nor am I self-indulgent; I am a poor-ass middle class working woman who isn't getting enough hours at her job because of the crappy economy that good ol' Dubya created with his dumbass self. I've spent the entire day working on my resume, cover letter and verifying references. How I am supposed to be indulgent or gratified? I'm broke and single. How indulgent that does sound to you, for fuck's sake?

If working towards marriage rights is self-indulgent or self-gratification, then you know what, I'm guilty.

As for the civil rights analogy to our struggle, I can tell you this; the real reason why so many African Americans are getting worked up about it is because this movement doesn't just include their own kind, there are Hispanics and whites involved too. African Americans needed laws to pay attention to the needs of their people due to discrimination; it's the exact same thing gays need to. If it looks like it, walks like it and talks like it........

I don't know of any straight people that feel their marriage is in danger if I want to get married. I don't remember reading anywhere that when gays win the right to marry, that all of the straight marriages will be automatically annulled. As for the argument of family, why would a society decide to not assist in the creation of more family units when the true concept of family in this nation is endangered by divorce and lack of responsibility of our hetero counterparts. Wouldn't you want to ensure that the concept of family is in full force so that those that may be irresponsible will lean towards being responsible?
I'm not saying that everybody should go and get married; there are plenty of hetero couples who choose not to marry, which is fine. All I'm saying is that I should have the right to marry, without objection or void by law; civil institutions are my right by the Constitution itself. Everyone is created equal; some people have forgotten that.


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