Monday, August 30, 2004

Did you ever hear about the Old Testament?

So, another discussion has been started at EMN. It's something that I want to talk about because the whole idea is attractive to me not only because I am Catholic, but, because I went to Sunday school and this touches me in a personal way.

Here goes the statement;

from the NY Times

Aug. 30) - Mary Cheney, the daughter and chief campaign manager of Vice President Dick Cheney, had just slipped out of the room at a Davenport, Iowa, town hall meeting last week when her father publicly acknowledged for the first time that she was openly lesbian and that he disagreed with the president's support for an amendment banning same-sex marriage. If Ms. Cheney was gratified by his remarks about gay marriage, she has not let it show, two campaign aides said. But aides say she was clearly displeased the next day to find the cameras of the traveling press corps craning for shots of her face.

further down

Social conservatives like Gary Bauer, who ran for the Republican presidential nomination four years ago, complain that Mr. Cheney's public support for his daughter "demoralizes some sections of the base that they need in an election where we could all be counting chads again.''
Gay rights advocates, on the other hand, accuse Ms. Cheney of selling out gays to aid her father's campaign.
"There is a profound sense of bewilderment bordering on betrayal," said Matt Foreman, executive director of the Gay and Lesbian Taskforce. "How is it possible that you could be working so hard for an administration that is so against your basic life, so against you and any family aspirations you might have, and against your people? I understand father-daughter ties, but it seems impossible to reconcile." Ms. Cheney, through a campaign spokeswoman, declined to be interviewed.

I wouldn't want to be interviewed either if I was being viewed as a sell-out. But, that's not the point of this post. Mary is a sellout.

The point of this post is the fact that all of these so-called "righteous" people keep quoting the New Testament, where the hatred of gays is fueled.

It sickens me to know that Dick Cheney would sell out his child. Not for his religion, not for a cause, but, for his job. A job! What kind of sick person sells out their child for a job? A desperate person, a person who feels that they have no other choice. A scared person.

What sickens me even more is that Mary Cheney is allowing herself to be sold out. That's right folks, she's allowing herself to be sold out. Instead of standing up for herself and others like her, she is simply stepping aside, letting her father and millions of Americans shit on her. It's not me they are shitting on, I'm standing up for myself, I'm out there talking to people and getting the word out. She is doing nothing. I can't have sympathy for someone who can't even fight for themselves. I've wallowed in enough self-pity in my time to have sympathy for someone who is doing it themselves. I just can't.

The bigger issue here is this; these people are claiming to follow the bible extensively, and, are saying that being gay is a crime against God Himself. If you actually read the bible, it's everybody but God saying that it's a crime against Him. I'm sorry, but, if it were such a big deal, it would have been in the 10 Commandments. I have to say it because it's true. It wouldn't be with the laws like men not being able to sleep with their wives while they are menstruating or not wearing clothes that are of mixed thread. It would be in the Ten Commandments. As for the "law" being put there in the first place, please feel free to read my response to "Lie #5" in my 8/28 post.

There is a story in the bible that has long been forgotten due to it's placement amongst the whole "then so-and-so begat so-and-so, then begat so-and-so" and so on. How people can listen to that on audio tapes is beyond me. I'd simply throw that tape out.

It's the story of Abraham and Isaac. Abraham was told by God to sacrifice Isaac to Him. Abraham brought Isaac to Mount Horeb and was prepared to do so until God stopped him. God said that He did not want Abraham to sacrifice his son, and, instead, a ram was in Isaac's place.

Think about that.

God did not want Abraham to sacrifice his son after all.

It's very powerful.

It could mean simply that God did not want human sacrifices made in His honor.


That God did not want Abraham, or any parent to sacrifice their child, either to God or for God.

So this brings about the question, what is sacrifice?

Is it the parent who beats their child to death because they wouldn't stop crying?
Is it the parent who starves their child to death so that they can eat?
Is it the man and woman who decide to end a life before it has started so that the child will never suffer the agony and misery of a genetic disorder?

These things can be defined as murder or killing. Not sacrifice.


What about the parent who throws their child out because their child is gay, and, the bible says it's wrong?
What about the sister that giggles gleefully over the fact that she has run her sister and her sister's lover out of town because the bible says that being gay is wrong?

Haven't these people sacrificed in the name of God?

Think about it.


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