Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Flip Flop

So, while recently visiting Australia, the pope "flip-flopped" on his stance of gay marriage.

Here's his new slogan;

"Spouses rightly deserve specific and categorical legal recognition by the state," the pope said, "while any attempt to equate marriage with other forms of cohabitation violates its unique role in God's plan for humanity."

Wow, so, just a few months ago, you were saying that gay marriages shouldn't be recognized in any form, now you're saying that civil unions are just fine. Wow, is "God's" flock leaving the church in higher numbers than usual? Tough, you twat.

You're the one who willingly bathes himself in silks and gold while the very son of God Himself, Jesus, was the son of a carpenter and lived from hobble to hobble on people's charity. You who says that the eurcharist should be withheld from openly gay parishioners while Jesus sacrificed Himself for everyone, gay and straight.

Even Mexicans who come here from Mexico see the hypocrisy of your "rule". Your church tells them to be fruitful and multiply, that God will take care of them, even though the bible clearly states that God takes care of those who take care of themselves. You withhold condoms saying that they are against God's Law while children suffer and die from diseases that are virtually non-existent in developed countries, all the while you do nothing to fix or improve the quality of life for these very children you wanted born in the first place.

Selfish bastard. You keep forgetting that you and I will be judged by the same God. I'm pretty sure he keeps track of everything, while judging feather for feather and lead for lead.


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